Here it is October and I have been quarantined since March.  Like you, I am bored. But I can get outside, I can watch TV, read, listen to music, use social media and email my friends.  Some of our neighbors are not as fortunate because although they may have all of the above they also have young children at home missing out on valuable schooling.  Some of our acquaintances also have terrible financial worries; without a paycheck how do you pay for groceries, rent and mortgages not to mention car payments, water and electricity?

Small businesses are folding and with them all the jobs they have been providing.  In Hawaii, this is particularly dire because our healthcare system, for those under 65, is directly tied to employment. There are 8,000,000 individuals in the United States that have been diagnosed with Covid19.   The disease itself and the side effects such as shortness of breath, heart damage, chest pain, cough, headache, joint pain, scar tissue on the lungs are all pre-existing conditions.  Hawaii is the only state that has outlawed exclusions for pre-existing conditions for group plans. 

Please remember your fellow citizens when you vote.
